19 November 2009

L'Abbaye Notre-Dame du Vœu

This Abbey was founded in 1145 by Queen Matilda, daughter of Henry I, King of England, second wife of Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, and consecrated in 1181. The abbey was pillaged and burned several times in the late 13th century and during the Hundred Years War and was badly damaged during the wars of religion. The Abbey were used as barracks for the Marine Corps from Cherbourg. Spared by the bombing of the Second World War, the abbey was burnt down in June 1944 by the Germans before their surrender. In 1961, the city of Cherbourg acquired the site and began restoration work. [http://www.patrimoine-de-france.org/oeuvres/richesses-13-4221-34835-M186103-80943.html, http://www.ville-cherbourg.fr/fr/tourisme_decouverte/architecture_parc_et_jard/patrimoine_architectural/labbaye_du_voeu/default.asp, http://www.unicaen.fr/ufr/histoire/craham/spip.php?article239, http://www.wikimanche.fr/Abbaye_du_V%C5%93u]

While we were visiting the abbey there was a guy inside singing and it sounded amazing. He said that they sometimes have concerts there and that he loved the acoustics. We did as well. Here are the pictures.

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